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Journalists Give Us The Scoop On Their Favorite Online Videos

Well respected and award winning journalists Daisy Whitney, Kate O'Hare, Samuel Lowenberg, Margo Adler, April MacIntyre, Liz Shannon Miller, and Ben Parr share their favorite online videos.

GameFly Commercial view now
April MacIntyre

Guest eGuider: April MacIntyre
Managing Editor for People/Celebrity and Smallscreen, Monsters and Critics

GameFly Commercial

Comedy (Broad), Other Gems (Advertisements), Viral (Viral ads)
[0:39, from YouTube]

The latest viral ad from GameFly - the world's leading online video game rental service, is stripped down, scriptless and is the core essence of their longer commercial. The short shows the power of good editing and well-placed title cards that illuminate the stages of exhilarahition that quickly devolves into pure rage when you purchase a video game you THINK is going to rock. This ad is a lesson to all ad agencies out there reminding them that brevity is the soul of wit. 
