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Viral Music: The Good, Bad, and Bizarre

One of the great things about the Internet is that it provides us with a forum to share not only high quality content, but content that is so bad it's amazing. Very often, it's the terrible videos that we just can't get enough of. Here we have the Internet's most renowned artists - but remember, that doesn't necessarily mean talented...

OK Go - "Here It Goes Again" view now
Julian Camilo Pozzi

Playwright / Video Producer: Julian Camilo Pozzi
Playwright/Video Producer, House of Broken Windows

OK Go - "Here It Goes Again"

Music (Music Videos), Viral (Homemade, Pick-me-ups)
[3:04, from YouTube]

This YouTube hit is one the best DIY music videos I've ever seen. Brilliant choreography and a great effect at the end. You'll never see treadmills the same way again. OK GO!
