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Free Beats

Comedy (Broad), Docs & Non-Fiction (Cultural), Music (Live), Other Gems (Branded Entertainment)
[ 2:16 - from YouTube ]

With the support of Sierra Mist, Chris "Shockwave" Sullivan of the buzz-worthy 'Free Style Love Supreme' offers free beats to strangers in NYC's Union Square.  The results charmingly reflect a cross-section of New York City culture--turns out everyone's got a little bit of rapper in them...

Jeremy Redleaf

eGuider: Jeremy Redleaf
Producer, Actor, Creator, Odd Jobs: The Web Series

In 2006, Jeremy founded NYC-based production company Brackets Creative to produce the projects that keep him snacking through the night. Recent work includes: Odd Job Nation, The Gold Aurora, the Telly Award-winning drama The Nothingness Company, and a three documentary deal with Cinelan.

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