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Remembering Michael Jackson, King Of Pop

Remembering Michael Jackson, King Of Pop

Videos that remember and celebrate Michael Jackson, icon and pop superstar.

Michael Jackson - Beat It (Acapella) view now
Julian Camilo Pozzi

Playwright / Video Producer: Julian Camilo Pozzi
Playwright/Video Producer, House of Broken Windows

Michael Jackson - Beat It (Acapella)

Music (Music Videos)
[4:57, from 1% For The Planet]

This video is an acapella version of, next to Thriller, the soundtrack of Pop music. Of course, now in the age of the Daily Show - and like everything in the eighties - the innocence and simplicity of the morality and themes are easy picking. However, with all the possible campy possibilities, Michael Jackson creates a stunning choreography that still satisfies 25 years later. This fascinating stripped down version brings out the genius performer and dancer in Michael.
