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10 Things I Hate About Commandments

Other Gems (Film Clip), Viral (Mashup, Re-edits)
[ 1:19 - from YouTube ]

Can the school zero become a hero? He can if he’s Charlton Heston, Beyonce is headlining the prom, and Samuel L. Jackson plays "Principal Firebush." Who knew DeMille’s biblical epic could be krunk? This new and improved movie trailer earned 2.5 million hits and an MTV deal for its creators, Mike Dow and Ari Eisner. Then they got paid to make fun of the network’s own reality shows (see "Laguna Beach: Summer of Stupid").

Melissa Roth

eGuider: Melissa Roth
Journalist, Author, Web Producer

Melissa Roth has written story extensions and webisodes for HBO shows including Entourage, Big Love, Sex & the City and John from Cincinnati. The author of two books (On the Loose and The Left Stuff), has written for The Washington Post, Rolling Stone and Self magazine. She is currently producing two web series, Miss Beasley's Pick-Up School for Girls and Byron's Barcalounger.

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