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Japanese Star Wars Tuna Commercial

Comedy (Unintentionally Funny), Other Gems (Advertisements), Viral (Time Capsule, Viral ads)
[ 0:30 - from YouTube ]

Industry legend has it that toward the end of production on the original Star Wars movie (episode IV to all you purists), George Lucas ran so low on funds that he had to offer a percentage of box office sales to the cast in order to pay them. Whether or not that’s true, I do hope that Hamill, Ford, and Fisher did make a little something off the residuals from this 1978 Japanese tuna commercial.

William D. Colella

eGuider: William D. Colella
Writer, Web Producer

Bill Colella is an award-winning screenwriter and a former interactive content writer at Tandberg Television. With deep roots in the dot com industry, his focus is on the intersection of traditional and new media entertainment. He is actively developing a number of film and web series projects.

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