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The Unusuals


Series Comedy (Broad), Drama & Genre (Action, Suspense)
[ 43:15 - from Hulu ]

Having launched in April of 2009, The Unsusuals was a victim of marketing teams at broadcast networks not yet adapting to late season launch schedules and one of the best shows of 2009 that few people watched. The ones who did raved about its high quality writing and excellent cast, including Jeremy Renner, star of recent box office hit The Hurt Locker. This show deserves a lot of attention on the Web, and maybe even another chance on the air.

William D. Colella

eGuider: William D. Colella
Writer, Web Producer

Bill Colella is an award-winning screenwriter and a former interactive content writer at Tandberg Television. With deep roots in the dot com industry, his focus is on the intersection of traditional and new media entertainment. He is actively developing a number of film and web series projects.

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