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TWiT Netcast Network and TWiTpad Review by APP ATTACKS!

Comedy (Broad), Docs & Non-Fiction (Computers / Tech, Vlog / Webcam)
[ 3:32 - from YouTube ]

 eGuiders founder Marc Ostrick and buddy Joshua Levine take a look at two TWiT apps - TWiT Netcast Network and TWiTpad by web guru Leo Laporte who continues to break new ground in both the live and niche video content universe.  Laporte is a staunch crusader for net neutrality, sharing knowledge and smart conversations. His army of geeks has helped make This Week In Tech (TWiT) the mother-ship of tech talk. Another fun APP ATTACKS!

Ezra Soiferman

eGuider: Ezra Soiferman
Award-winning Canuck documentary filmmaker, street photographer and blogger.

Ezra Soiferman is an acclaimed documentary filmmaker in snowy Montreal, Canada. He is also the director and co-founder of the Montreal Film Group, Montreal's largest film and TV industry networking group. Ezra's popular and eccentric blog keeps him (and you) busy on rainy days.

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