Archives > Comedy
Irish Pub Ad
(Broad) 0:40I'm not sure how the economics of making a television ad for an Irish pub ... view
Evan & Gareth - Evan Meets a Leprechaun
(Broad) 4:43A very funny thinking man's twist on the usual Leprechaun/Genie ... view
Barack "The Shamrock" O'Bama
(Ethnic Humor, Mockumentary, Politics) 1:39In this mockumentary, Barack Obama isn't afraid to own up to his heritage ... view
Guinness Commercial Bloopers
(Bloopers, Broad) 0:54Guinness has always been known for their classic and witty ads. Here their ... view
Conan O'Brien - St. Patrick's Day in Memoriam
(Ethnic Humor) 0:59"Tragic" but great, this classic Conan quickie is for the Irish. I can't ... view
Eddie Murphy Does Stevie Wonder - Delirious
(Broad) 1:47Eddie Murphy's Delirious is one of the most widely recognized television ... view
We Need Girlfriends: Episode 1
(Broad) 5:38
Here's a successful web series that was created a few years ago. New web ... view
Gravityland: The Purse Thief
(Broad) 5:50
Check out this cool web series. Creator John Herman was the force behind ... view
Funniest Movie Death Scenes 1.5
(Unintentionally Funny) 4:23Who do we have to thank for this compilation of the best death scenes ... view