Archives > Comedy > Unintentionally Funny
10,000 Shoplifter Celebration!!
1:29We all know stealing is dishonest and wrong, but would you steal if you ... view
Crying Number
1:00Here's a commercial for a 1-900 number to call when you need to get in a ... view
Indian Baby Dropping Ritual
1:08Dropping babies off a tower may not seem like a good idea to us, but to ... view
Office Worker Goes Beserk
2:49Someone's got an extreme case of the Mondays! Things don't always go ... view
The Burger Snake
1:00Endless thanks to the internet for all the Japanese television I never ... view
Bikini Body Builder vs. Rubik's Cube
1:11Never Hide Films' most common response to their videos is "unbelievable." ... view
Office Worker Goes Beserk, pt2
1:35This is exactly the sort of situation that's scary to watch in person, but ... view
Who Needs A Movie?
2:03This takes the So Bad It's Amazing sub-genre to another level. The ... view
That's What Friends Are For
4:12A piece of classic inadvertent Jewish humor, this is footage of a ... view