Archives > Viral > Pick-me-ups
James Brown Gives You Dancing Lessons
1:40The title says it all. Is there any way you are not going to watch this ... view
Japan Lauf der Dinge, Der
4:20An awesome collection of great Rube Goldberg contraptions. The videos are ... view
Japanese Banana Commercial
0:15This ad is truly bonkers. No... bananas.
Japanese Binocular Soccer
2:18What’s funny about Japanese men playing soccer? Nothing. ... view
Japanese Tetris
6:19Tetris, the game that took over computer screens in the 90's, was an OCD's ... view
JK Wedding Entrance Dance
5:09OK, but how does the wedding reception live up to this? Dance ... view
Jonathan's Cochlear Implant Activation 8 mo., Rt Ear cont'd
0:50Now, that's a happy little man! Gave me a much-needed smile as well.
Kathleen: The Dancing Crossing Guard
6:07Inspiring video about a dancing crossing guard in Toronto. Blogger and ... view
Ken Block Gymkhana Practice
4:27Ken Block started DC Shoes then sold it to become a stock car stunt ... view