My favorite animated show on YouTube. Just a simple and hilarious look at life inside in a testicle. view

Guest eGuider Greg Benson
Director, Mediocre Films
My favorite animated show on YouTube. Just a simple and hilarious look at life inside in a testicle. view
Guest eGuider Greg Benson
Director, Mediocre Films
High marks for this one-set production, which captures more conflict, emotional range and character development in about 15 minutes than a lot of multi-set shows accomplish in an hour. Writing/producing team Anais Godard and Lauren Spagnoletti establish a lot of potential for the concept of the show as well. Based on the first episode, The Room may be among the first high quality dramas to premiere on the Web. view
Core eGuider William D. Colella
Writer, Web Producer
Sure, having a pint-sized Michael Jackson impersonator as a roommate sounds like fun. But as comedian Dave Hill’s web series proves, living with the tiny King of Pop is both physically and emotionally painful. Here's episode one. view
Core eGuider Andrew Zilch
Writer, Filmmaker
How many stop-animation videos have you seen that are made from charcoal, dirt, flowers, cardboard and other found objects? Probably not that many. This beautifully original video is a rarity, and is from the series “Lucía, Luis y el lobo” (”Lucía, Luis and the Wolf”). view
New Media Producer John Rota
Film, TV & New Media Producer
Talk about your "odd couple?" How can a butcher and a piece of meat live together in (two part) harmony? Well, Buddy n' Andy find a way with a little help from their magical household friends and guest-star Dave Foley. If you like comfortable, wholesome, family fun, then you will NOT like this. view
Guest eGuider Perry Sachs
Writer, Producer, Director
Come on admit it. You have found yourself saying one or more of these Arnald Schwarzenegger quotes from time to time. Which one is your favorite? view
Core eGuider Tim Street
Chief Creative / CEO APE Digital Inc.
It's not a tumor. Mexican or Mexican't? Here's a montage of the 100 cheesiest movie quotes ever. 'Nuff said. view
Indie Music Expert Varlo Vanore
Writer, Musician
Famed New Orleans blues singer Dr. John performs an awesome version of his song "Such a Night" for the TV series "Live from Abbey Road". His sultry piano tickling is so good, you can practically smell the gumbo simmering off-screen. And check out his profane directions to the studio percussionists in the beginning. Small drawback: this video is from the Japanese broadcast, which means the screen is bordered with subtitles. view
Film Buff Chris Brenner
Post Production Point Man, Border Patrol, Scarecrow