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Series Drama & Genre (Soaps)
[ 8:38 - from YouTube ]

Well, the producers of Bump+ are not afraid of controversy, the subject of abortion being one of the most controversial in this country -- this  drama series follows three young women with unplanned pregnancies:  A sorority girl, a military wife and a single Mom with a hazy past. Each of them is 2 months pregnant and hoping to be chosen for a reality show that will follow them during the decision-making process.  This pilot follows their first visit to a low-cost health clinic, where the doctor learns some disturbing secrets about one of the girls.

Varlo Vanore

eGuider: Varlo Vanore
Writer, Musician

Varlo Vanore is a writer, musician and tech geek. She geeks out in Hollywood doing post-production and special effects for music videos, films and DVDs. Her clients include Mariah Carey, The Police Reunion Tour, Black Eyed Peas, HBO, Nickelback and most recently the feature Marley and Me. She's currently developing a comedy feature film for which she's written the script and musical score.

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