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Rainbow - Adult Version

Comedy (Broad), Other Gems (TV Clip), Viral (Time Capsule)
[ 3:05 - from YouTube ]

A kid's show gone terribly wrong. This has to be created for adults, right? Unless the cast and crew were simply fed up with the network and decided to have a little fun with this episode of "Rainbow." If this video bores you, just pluck away with your twangers while Jane shakes her maracas.

Brian Rothe

eGuider: Brian Rothe
Director of Content, eGuiders

Recent west coast transplant and production expert.

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in 1820 a man named fredrick osloft one day he was working in his lab until a ghost came by and killed him the next morning fredrick was nowhere to be seen 100 years later two boys went in the lab as a dare the boys where never seen again where aparently murdered now that u have read this comment tonight when u go to sleep the two boys and fredrick will come and murder you but you can stop this by posting this comment on 5 other videos by midnight im sorry i relly hate these things :'(

aaaa  |  Sat. Apr. 25, 2009 2:48 PM  | 
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