<a href="https://www.joost.com/094zchg/t/How-I-Met-Your-Mother-The-Goat">How I Met Your Mother - The Goat</a>

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How I Met Your Mother

The Goat

Series Comedy (Broad)
[ 2:00 - from Joost ]
This video is part of our The Freshest Joost Videos Spotlight

How I Met Your Mother is my new favorite comedy, even though I've actually never seen it on an actual TV - I've only watched it on Joost! I look forward to new episodes each week. 

Lauren Kowtna

eGuider: Lauren Kowtna
Marketing Manager, Joost 

Hi, I'm Lauren. I work in the Marketing department for Joost, managing our email marketing initiatives and social media networking outreach. I've been here for about a year and have loved every minute of it! Joost is a really fun place to work because every day there's something new going on and lots of creative ideas (and people) floating around. I currently live in Jersey City, across the river from Manhattan, and have been working in NYC for 4 years in the digital marketing world. 

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