Archives > Comedy > Bloopers
Diarrhea Weatherman
1:04This one is hard to watch because we've all been there... in that ... view
Dumbest Family on Family Feud!
4:44Part of the Exclusive article, view
Funny Infomercial Bloopers
9:04Everybody likes a good infomercial. But we like bloopers even more. This ... view
Funny Videos Of Journalist - TV Bloopers
2:46Over the years there have been some great journalistic stories... but ... view
GMA Weatherman's Close Call Nearly Sends Cameraman Over Cliff
1:06There is a very good reason weathermen are not hired to be rock climbers.
Grape Lady Falls!
1:27This news correspondent was trying to be funny and falls . . . hilarity ... view
Grape Stomping Gone Wrong
1:25I used to think of "I Love Lucy" when I thought about grape stomping, but ... view
Guinness Commercial Bloopers
0:54Guinness has always been known for their classic and witty ads. Here their ... view
Hamster Mug Shot
0:30I don't know why they're necessarily ruling four-legged creatures out as ... view