Archives > Other Gems
Facebook Infomercial Parody
(Advertisements) 3:35eHarmony is under threat -- by that free service that doesnt even have to ... view
Bavaria Spoofs Heineken Walk-in Fridge Ad
(Advertisements) 0:40Apparently even Germans are annoyed with those his & her walk-in ... view
Groucho Marx talks about Charlie Chaplin
(TV Clip) 0:30Every age has its medium and its comedians. As we cross the digital divide ... view
Kate Gosselin denies Mady water
(TV Clip) 1:05Why watch the whole exploitative reality-show nightmare? This little gem ... view
President Obama and Disney's Hall of Presidents
(Branded Entertainment) 2:20Alright, so when we think of the coolest theme park attractions, Disney's ... view
Robert Pattinson Interview on
(Feature Film Extensions) 8:09"Twilight" and Edward Cullen mania is kicking up again in ... view
Evian Roller Babies - International Version
(Advertisements, Branded Entertainment) 1:01This commercial combines my two favorites things: Weird Computer-Generated ... view
In 1946, surrealist painter, Salvador Dali formed a friendship with Walt ... view
Tough Tennis Coach
(Advertisements) 0:31A tough coach can be the difference between making you a champion as ... view