Letterman's Sonia Sotomayor Pronunciation Round-Up
Comedy (Broad, Politics), Other Gems (TV Clip) 0:55If you've had any doubts about how to pronounce Sonia Sotomayor's name, ... view
"Lex Luthor Bailout" with Jon Hamm
Comedy (Broad, Politics, Spoof) 2:42The economy sucks so bad, even Lex Luthor is looking for a bailout. His ... view
Lezberado: Revenge Fantasies
Docs & Non-Fiction (How-To, Profiles), Viral (Homemade) 3:2086 Million views. Showtime's "L Word" gets a hilarious commentary from a ... view
LG Optimus Hyper Facade in Berlin
Animation (3D), Other Gems (Advertisements) 7:34Is it retail or entertainment? Sure beats the hell out of Macy's...
Lhasa de Sela & Patrick Watson - "Between The Bars"
Music (Live) 4:25The music world lost a major talent when 37-year-old Lhasa de Sela passed ... view
Liar!: Loud Shout Interrupts Key Point in Obama Address to Congress
Comedy (Politics), Docs & Non-Fiction (News, Politics), Other Gems (TV Clip) 0:41During the President's address to Congress on healthcare reform, Rep. Joe ... view
Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show: Lick Poop
Comedy (3rd Grade / Gross Out, Ethnic Humor, Spoof) 4:12
This weird series was picked up for its third season by Sony Pictures' ... view
Lieberman Socks
Comedy (Broad, Politics) 1:48The sock puppet of Joe Leiberman has an endless list of demands, including ... view
Life in 2050 Ident
Animation (Experimental) 1:59A great 3D spot for the London Sci-Fi Festival, the idea is to show what ... view