Archives > Viral > Animals
Chicken Agility
3:43OMG, this was shot in 2004, that was six years ago! WTF have they taught ... view
Chimp Washes Bear
4:30I guess the title says it all. In this soon-to-be-viral sensation, a ... view
Chopsticks Feeding Squirrel-Like Kitten
1:17I'm usually wary of any and all Internet cat videos, but even I couldn't ... view
Christian the Lion
2:28Australians John Rendall and Ace Bourke purchased a lion in 1969, named it ... view
Cool Dogs
0:53Is your dog struggling with the heat this summer? Just get him a ... view
Cowabunga: A Surfing Alpaca!
0:47Hey, if an alpaca can learn to surf... then there's no excuse for the rest ... view
Crazy Russian Cat Lady (owns 130 cats)
0:21This Russian woman owns 130 cats. How do 130 cats even fit in a single ... view
Crazy Talking Cat
0:23If you don’t laugh when you watch this, I don’t trust your ... view
Crow and Kitten are Friends
7:29True odd couple love - A heartwarming documentary about a crow who feeds, ... view