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Christian the Lion

Docs & Non-Fiction (Nature), Viral (Animals)
[ 2:28 - from YouTube ]
This video is part of our Fluffy Friends You Can't Forget: Animals on the Internet, Valentine Videos Spotlights

Australians John Rendall and Ace Bourke purchased a lion in 1969, named it Christian, raised it for a year, and then reintroduced it into the wild. Later they tracked down Christian to see if he would remember them. This video, set to Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You," shows what happened when Rendall and Bourke found their former pet. This is so damn cute your heart very well may burst.

Graham Mason

eGuider: Graham Mason
Writer, Videomaker, Member of Sunset Television

Graham Mason is a writer, animator, videomaker, and member of the experimental comedy collective "Sunset Television."  He's from Michigan and lives in New York.

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