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eGuider Exclusive — November 15th, 2009

Killing the Quotidian
11 Brilliant Flash-Mob Videos
by Michael Tapp
Flash-mobs are like pranks on the monotony of everyday life. A Flash-mob is a public “happening” where people quickly pull off a synchronized event to disrupt commonplace situations. These social experiments started in 2003 and wouldn't even exist without the communication tools available through the Internet; they serve as another example of online communities transcending the web. There have been hundreds of Flash-mob videos since 2003. Spontaneous musicals, frozen people, pants-less subway rides, community cell phone calls... there are no limits. Let’s take a look at the cream of the crop.
Human Mirror
Improv Everywhere's mailing list is so big that they managed to find 50 pairs of twins willing to participate in this mission.
Frozen Grand Central
Over 200 people froze for this flash-mob that happened in the biggest train station in the world.
I Love Lunch! The Musical
This video was produced for a segment on The Today Show. Did you spot Ann Curry?
Cell Phone Symphony
This flash-mob idea came from a fan who found out about Improv Everywhere through NPR's "This American Life".
Surprise Wedding Reception
The pranksters went as far as buying presents for the newlyweds. This is certainly one of the most memorable wedding receptions on the web.
Slow-Mo Depot
A bizzaro coincidence happens when everybody freezes in this video. Jewel's "Standing Still" started to play over the Home Depot P.A. at just the right time.
The Mp3 Experiment: Toronto
Hundreds of participants download the same Mp3 and press play at the same time in "Mp3 Experiments".
Silent Disco: Victoria Station
During Silent Discos people dance to whatever is coming out of their headphones starting at an exact time.
Hopper Invasion!
It's fun to watch 500 hoppers take over Barcelona. This is the neatest cell phone commercial I have ever watched.
BouncE Flash Mob @ Gröna Lund
This dancin' flash-mob video by BouncE promotes a Sweedish street dance company... and
No Pants Subway Ride 2009
2,500 people on subways around the world took off their pants to celebrate "No Pants! Subway Ride". The first "No Pants! Subway Ride" happened in 2002.
Flash-mobs break the status quo and force us to look at our surroundings from a new perspective. We look forward to the evolution of the flash-mob, as it's one of several genres born from the online video landscape. If you're interested, you can probably find a flash-mob near you on The Urban Prankster Network.
eGuider: Michael Tapp
Content Creator | Shooter | Camera Tech
Michael Tapp has been working in the television and film industry for five years, relentlessly pursuing his craft since the very beginning. For over a year Michael maintained top of the line high-definition and film cameras while he worked at Armanda Costanza Inc. as a motion picture camera technician. He has also edited shows for the D.I.Y. Network and has shot footage for the Travel Channel. Michael and co-creator Michael Margle developed Scott Summit, a spoof on self-help gurus like Dr. Phil and Tony Robbins. Michael is excited to be a part of New Media and thrilled to have a role in the redevelopment of television as we know it. He is currently based out of Tennessee, enjoys playing guitar, and would love an office in the Sunsphere.