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Bathing With Bierko: America’s Most Intimate New Talkshow

Comedy (Dry), Docs & Non-Fiction (Profiles)
[ 2:45 - from YouTube ]

Craig Bierko interviews John Malkovich. In a bathtub. While bathing him. Craig Bierko (The Long Kiss Goodnight, 1996 and most recently Superhero Movie, 2008) lathers his guests in the best way possible. The longevity of this gag begs asking, however the novelty of this naked interview won’t be lost on you for the first hit. Or the second. Or the third.

Brigitte Liebowitz

eGuider: Brigitte Liebowitz
Co-founder of HUGE Productions (Indie and New Media content)

Brigitte is an independent writer/producer and a Columbia University MFA.

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