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First Streaker at Citi Field

Docs & Non-Fiction (Reality, Sports), Viral (Shock)
[ 1:16 - from YouTube ]
Adult Language
This video is part of our eGuiders Favorites: Picks for Summer Spotlight

Craig Coakley thought it would be pretty cool to become infamously known as the first streaker at Citi field during the Mets-Braves game on May 12, 2009. Unfortunately for Coakley, who jumped on the field with a monkey strapped around his waist during the fifth inning, the Mets have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to streakers, and he faces criminal charges with the possibility of up to a year in jail and $5,000 in fines. We hope your boss lives up to his promise to pay you a week's salary for your deed! 

Brian Rothe

eGuider: Brian Rothe
Director of Content, eGuiders

Recent west coast transplant and production expert.

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