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Acting With James Franco

Scene Work

Series Comedy (Dry)
[ 2:19 - from Funny or Die ]

James Franco (Spiderman 1-3 and Freaks & Geeks) teaches you how to act with the help of his brother Dave. Produced by Judd Apatow, the unmistakable comedic chemistry in this series will delight fans of his trademark style. Franco and Franco are delightful as they break the fourth wall and let you in on the works behind James’ movie magic.

Aaron Walker

eGuider: Aaron Walker

Aaron is currently working toward his masters in film at Columbia, while traveling the world in search of great stories and great fun. Aaron was born in the windswept plains of Wyoming, and has worked as an editor in documentary film.

So funny! The brother's Franco need to do a movie. "You don't know how to act!"

DOGMA THX  |  Tue. Apr. 14, 2009 4:53 PM  | 
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