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SSgt Barry Sadler - Balad of the Green Beret

Music (Live), Viral (Time Capsule)
[ 2:18 - from YouTube ]

With a look that's eerily reminiscent of Bush's contemptuous gaze, this Green Beret sings a military song that contains the entire ethos of his culture in its lyrics. Easy to dismiss with ironic postmodern detachment, the truth is that this soldier (unlike Bush) has a reason to feel superior to you. He's willing to die and can kick your ass all day long. That being said, the last stanza of the song reminds me of Christopher Walken in "Pulp Fiction". 

Julian Camilo Pozzi

eGuider: Julian Camilo Pozzi
Playwright/Video Producer, House of Broken Windows

Julian Camilo Pozzi is producing traditional and new media projects that strive to combine compelling entertainment with pressing social concerns. He is interested in supporting and collaborating with like-minded professionals.

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