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Animation (Flash), Comedy (Dark Comedy), Drama & Genre
[ 6:15 - from YouTube ]

The visual style is minimal, but the silhouetted character works really well in this beautiful and dynamic animation. We can thank the Internet for giving us access to this kind of stuff... It would've been difficult to find otherwise.

Luis López

eGuider: Luis López
Graphic Designer / Web Designer / Animator / Blogger 

Luis Lopez is a Graphic Designer, Web Designer and Animator from Colombia who has been working as a freelancer for more than five years in the design field; he also works as an expert in SEO and marketing stragtegies for small and medium companies.  Luis is based in Paris, France where he's finishing the last year of a Masters program in Animation and Special Effects (majoring in Motion); he also runs a design blog to share his knowledge and passion for design and animation. Luis is starting his own creative company - Creadictos - in his native country.  His life is creating, designing, and animating.

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