The Confession
Drama & Genre (Action, Suspense) 6:48Keifer Sutherland produced and stars in this new web series. In this ... view
The Academics - "Where is My Denouement?"
Music (Music Videos) 3:59The Academics are a "faux band" that have a serious underground ... view
Steve Dore - Tax the Rich
Comedy (Politics), Music (Live) 3:05Steve Dore performs his song about how to improve our country - it's a ... view
Animation (Experimental), Drama & Genre (Romance) 10:46Sophie and Brian are a typical young couple enjoying their lives and each ... view
Spike Jonze Gap Ad
Other Gems (Advertisements, Branded Entertainment) 1:33In this Gap advertisement, director Spike Jonze demonstrates the viral ... view
Space Chair Project
Other Gems (Advertisements, Branded Entertainment), Viral (Viral ads) 1:02As an advertising stunt, Toshiba attached a camera to a chair, and sent it ... view
Snowball and Irena - Times Interview
Docs & Non-Fiction (Profiles), Viral (Animals) 2:30Snowball the dancing cockatoo is an internet phenomenon, but what's the ... view
Studio Visit: Ray Saa
Docs & Non-Fiction (Art & Entertainment, Profiles) 3:44If you've ever wondered how or why artists do what they do, check out the ... view
Protect Insurance Companies PSA
Comedy (Broad, Politics, Spoof), Other Gems (Branded Entertainment), Viral (Viral ads) 2:20Will Ferrell, Jon Hamm, and a host of other stars speak out on health care ... view