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Breakdance Baby Kick
Viral (Kids / Babies, Shock) 0:17Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time! This kid walked ... view
Hawaii Chair Infomercial
Comedy (Unintentionally Funny), Other Gems (Advertisements), Viral (Viral ads) 1:05This video features one of those ridiculous products that comes with an ... view
Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood
Animation (Experimental), Music (Music Videos) 4:34Gorillaz (The Guinness Book of World Record's most successful virtual ... view
Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.
Animation (Experimental), Music (Music Videos) 4:26Gorillaz (The Guinness Book of World Record's most successful virtual ... view
Remember Me
Docs & Non-Fiction (Politics) 5:23Now that the coffins of American soldiers can be photographed, the real ... view
Docs & Non-Fiction (How-To, Vlog / Webcam) 12:0360 million hits: guess lots of people either want this girl's advice on ... view
Jacques Brel - Ne Me Quitte Pas
Music (Live), Viral (Time Capsule) 3:16In black and white POV, Jacques Brel sings his most recorded song, "Ne me ... view
The Crevasse - Making of 3D Street Art
Animation (Time-lapse), Docs & Non-Fiction (Art & Entertainment) 2:15If you haven't seen Edgar Mueller's street art yet, then stop reading and ... view
Wii Fit Parody
Comedy (Spoof), Other Gems (TV Clip), Viral (Dubbed Over) 2:53The Wii has taken the world by storm, and Wii Fit is its latest, greatest ... view