Animation (Cartoon / Traditional, Experimental) 6:33An animated short about a little boy named Andre who is haunted and ... view
Animal Farm
Animation (Cartoon / Traditional), Other Gems (Film Clip) 1:11:57Here's some old media on a new media platform. This is the first ... view
Animal Lovers Squeal For "Teacup" Pigs!
Docs & Non-Fiction (News), Other Gems (TV Clip), Viral (Animals) 2:40Animal lovers are going hog wild over a new breed of miniature pet. ... view
Animal Odd Couple
Docs & Non-Fiction (Nature), Viral (Animals, Pick-me-ups) 2:44If you're an animal lover like me, you'll really enjoy this one. This ... view
Animata Jazz Pub
Animation (Experimental), Music 3:31This little video is several things at once. It's simultaneously a catchy ... view
Animation by Takeshi Murata
Animation (Experimental) 0:30From animator and artist Takeshi Murata, here's a simple pleasure in the ... view
Animator vs. Animation
Animation (Cartoon / Traditional, Experimental) 2:25"I've created a monster!" This is a very clever short about a Photoshop ... view
Animatrix: Beyond
Animation (Animé) 9:52The Wachowski brothers created The Matrix, one of those films that changed ... view
Ann Coulter and Al Franken at the Connecticut Forum
Comedy (Politics) 1:12Politics doesn't get much funnier than this exchange between Ann Coulter ... view