President Bush Visits Yankee Stadium: 2001
Docs & Non-Fiction (Cultural, Sports), Other Gems (Classics), Viral (Time Capsule) 4:28Seeing as how we're in the midst of baseball season, I figured it might be ... view
President Obama and Disney's Hall of Presidents
Docs & Non-Fiction (Computers / Tech, Cultural, Politics), Other Gems (Branded Entertainment) 2:20Alright, so when we think of the coolest theme park attractions, Disney's ... view
President Obama and NASCAR at the White House
Comedy (Politics, Unintentionally Funny), Docs & Non-Fiction (Politics) 6:07Talk about "reaching" across the political divide: President ... view
President Obama has ordered a review of US Cuba relations
Docs & Non-Fiction (News, Politics), Other Gems (TV Clip) 2:09US / Cuban relations have been less than perfect (to say the least) for ... view
Presidential First Pitch
Docs & Non-Fiction (Politics, Sports), Other Gems (TV Clip) 1:32Was it reallly a strike - or is this another case of media bias? ... view
Presidential Reunion: Bush Sr. Vs. Bush Jr.
Comedy (Broad, Politics, Spoof) 2:35Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. have an interesting and awkward conversation in ... view
Pretty Much Everywhere, It's Gonna Be Hot
Comedy (Bloopers), Other Gems (TV Clip), Viral (Pick-me-ups) 0:09This is one of those clips that doesn't need much context. All you need ... view
edarem: Pretty Woman
Comedy (Broad), Music (Lip-Dub), Viral (Homemade) 3:02
Meet Edarem. He's an Addam's Family-esque old man who makes the most ... view
Priceless Date Video
Comedy (Broad, Spoof), Drama & Genre (Romance) 1:16Here's a question that plagues all male teenagers: How does one get a B.J. ... view