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alex and luke dot com

Docs & Non-Fiction (Computers / Tech, Travel, Vlog / Webcam), Viral (Homemade)
[ 3:13 - from YouTube ]

Two Canadian pals embark on a cross-continental trip, planning to hit every province in their native land and every American state along the way. Alex is financing her trip with an insurance check gained because her parents' home burned down (sadly, Alex's budgie Percy was home at the time). She was living with them because she broke up with her boyfriend and couldn't find a job (art history major). Luke didn't like his job and wanted an adventure. They headed out on March 20 and are social-networking this like crazy, letting Tweeps and others plot the route. And they have T-shirts.

Kate O'Hare

eGuider: Kate O'Hare
Feature Writer/Columnist at Tribune Media Services

Kate has more than a decade of experience covering all aspects of the TV industry - and new media - in nationally syndicated feature stories and columns, both for print and online. She's logged many days on sets and locations throughout North America and spent thousands of hours interviewing actors, directors, producers and executives. Kate's goal is to see more and learn more as the industry transitions into the digital age.

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