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Alice in Wonderland (1903)
Other Gems (Classics), Viral (Time Capsule)
[ 9:32 - from YouTube ]
Only 37 years after Lewis Carroll wrote his fantasy masterpiece, directors Percy Stow and Cecil Hepworth produced this 12-minute short (8 minutes of which survive), The British Film Institute National Archive has restored the film. Yeah, Tim Burton's upcoming version is going to be dazzling, but this one -- more than a century old -- is not bad at all.
eGuider: Kate O'Hare
Feature Writer/Columnist at Tribune Media Services
Kate has more than a decade of experience covering all aspects of the TV industry - and new media - in nationally syndicated feature stories and columns, both for print and online. She's logged many days on sets and locations throughout North America and spent thousands of hours interviewing actors, directors, producers and executives. Kate's goal is to see more and learn more as the industry transitions into the digital age.