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COPS for Kids!

Comedy (Spoof), Drama & Genre (Action), Viral (Shock)
[ 0:30 - from YouTube ]

"Cops for Kids" comes from our own core eGuiders Drew Blatman and Graham Mason, and it's blowing up. See what all the hype is about. If we can start to use this technique on a wider scale, we can let our kids watch whatever they want! Yes, in the future there will be a parental control button that says "cartoonize the bad guys."

Tops the Bunny

eGuider: Tops the Bunny
Carrot Connoisseur 

The star of "COPS for Kids!" Tops is an expert in all things hare-related, included, but not limited to, carrot munching, button nose twitching, and tortoise ass-kicking.

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