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Frost Nixon Interview

Part 1 of 6

Series Docs & Non-Fiction (Politics), Other Gems (TV Clip), Viral (Time Capsule)
[ 0:47 - from YouTube ]

I know this isn't original internet content, but if youv'e seen Frost/Nixon the film or the play - go check out the real deal. It's facinating to watch these interviews, especially after seeing the film. I recommend that you see the film first and then watch the real clips because the film makes Nixon look more caught out then he really was, but it works dramatically.

Jon Cassar

eGuider: Jon Cassar
Executive Producer & Director, 24

Jon Cassar is a director and executive producer of the hit television series "24," as well a number of other film-related works. In 2006, he won 2 Emmy Awards for his work on "24," as a director and producer. In 2007, Jon won a DGA award for the acclaimed series as well. He is the co-founder of the Motion Picture Industry Charitable Alliance, which hosts an annual charity auction, "Lights, Camera, Auction". Jon enjoys sharing his passion for photography, which can be seen on his blog.

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