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SoLost: Oxford American

SoLost: Ronzo! Oxford's Peripatetic Pied Piper of Good Times

Series Docs & Non-Fiction (Cultural, Profiles)
[ 9:42 - from YouTube ]

 Ron "Ronzo" Shapiro is a one-of-a-kind footloose, fun-loving former film programmer in Oxford, Mississippi. This is a loving portrait of the gonzo local legend done as part of a compelling web series by award winning Americana magazine The Oxford American, a literary magazine devoted to the best of Southern writing. 

Ezra Soiferman

eGuider: Ezra Soiferman
Award-winning Canuck documentary filmmaker, street photographer and blogger.

Ezra Soiferman is an acclaimed documentary filmmaker in snowy Montreal, Canada. He is also the director and co-founder of the Montreal Film Group, Montreal's largest film and TV industry networking group. Ezra's popular and eccentric blog keeps him (and you) busy on rainy days.

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