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Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Making of Coruscant

Docs & Non-Fiction (Video Games / Interactive), Other Gems (Behind the Scenes)
[ 6:09 - from SWTOR ]

This is by far my most anticipated game to come out in a long time. Not only is it going to bring back great memories from my childhood, aka the good movies, but look at what they've done to Coruscant! 

Alexander Albrecht

eGuider: Alexander Albrecht
New Media / Television Personality and Podcaster

Alex is best known as the host of Diggnation, a weekly video podcast produced by Revision3. He also teamed up with his two buds Dan and Jeff to create the raddest show on the net, The Totally Rad Show, which rips into the world of media and pulls out what's rad. Alex is also responsible for putting together Project Lore, a show about all things related to World of Warcraft. Originally from Virginia, he has been part of the Hollywood scene since 2001 when he founded the improv-comedy troupe The Misfit Toys. Since then, Alex has enjoyed a career as a television personality and commercial actor, often cast in nerdy roles.

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