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V - Liberation Day
Drama & Genre (Horror, Sci-Fi)
[ 48:18 - from Joost ]
This video is part of our The Freshest Joost Videos Spotlight
Something I spend a lot of time wondering about is whether the new version of V will be able half as good as the original. If it is, then we all win.
eGuider: Kerry Vance Summers
Communications, Joost
Kerry has been with Joost for more than two years, working on various communications, PR and marketing projects. Her favorite part of the job is writing the Joost blog and, of course, getting paid to watch online video. When she's not at work, she's generally flying on the trapeze, or teaching other people how to fly on the trapeze. Kerry lives in NoChe, New York City, a neighborhood that you might be unfamiliar with because she's leading a one-person branding campaign for the area around the Lincoln Tunnel and Penn Station that's home to quite a few night clubs.