Archives > Flags > Adult Language
Google Buzz: Revealed
Comedy (Spoof) 0:57To keep up with Facebook and Twitter, Google launched a new social media ... view
Google Wave Cinema: Good Will Hunting
Animation (Experimental), Docs & Non-Fiction (Computers / Tech) 1:01
Another fun video featuring Google Wave.
"'Gon' Kiss Girls Tonight" Music Video
Comedy (Broad), Music (Music Videos) 4:00These guys have absolutely no game, but personality has to count for ... view
God is a DJ
Comedy, Other Gems (Advertisements), Viral (Viral ads) 0:35What if God was one of us? Or what if he was just a DJ mashing up ... view
Go the F*ck to Sleep - read by Samuel L. Jackson
Comedy (3rd Grade / Gross Out, Broad, Dark Comedy), Viral (Kids / Babies, Pick-me-ups) 6:20Brilliant reading of this viral "kids book" sensation. ... view
Girls's Costume Warehouse
Comedy (Broad) 1:11Are you a girl? Is it Halloween? Did you wait until the last ... view
Girls Gone Wild Syndrome
Comedy (Broad, Spoof) 3:03Each year during Mardi Gras and Spring Break, girls mysteriously contract ... view
"Germaphobe," by Fully Sick Rapper
Comedy (Broad), Music (Music Videos) 3:31It's the perfect song for hypochondriacs around the world. Assuming ... view
George Carlin on Death
Comedy (Dark Comedy) 9:56George Carlin was unstoppable, even in his later years. Here's a ten ... view