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Live TV - Presenter in Fits of Giggles During Serious Interview

Comedy (Bloopers), Other Gems (TV Clip), Viral (Shock)
[ 2:33 - from YouTube ]

I don't care if this is staged or not, it's still a funny idea. And it's Belgian, which makes it much funnier. 

Greg Benson

eGuider: Greg Benson
Director, Mediocre Films 

Greg Benson has created and directed numerous viral video hits and web series, including Retarded Policeman (viewed over 50 million times), Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show (distributed by Sony) and The Guild (Best Series winner in the Yahoo, YouTube & Streamy awards). His latest project is the topical series Celebrity Sock Puppet Theatre, sponsored by MediocreFilms is one of the Top 40 all-time most subscribed channels on YouTube. 

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