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Ringling Beats Animals: A PETA Undercover Investigation

Docs & Non-Fiction (Reality), Viral (Shock)
[ 4:47 - from YouTube ]
Adult Language

So much for the greatest show on Earth... here's a clip from PETA's 2009 investigation of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Baily Circus.  Be warned, what you're about to see is NOT pretty.  If animals are treated so poorly just to entertain people, it's time to pull the plug.  I encourage you to educate yourself on the treatment of circus animals HERE, and next time you have the opportunity to hit the big top, pass it up.  Let's show those carnies who the real clowns are.

Brian Rothe

eGuider: Brian Rothe
Director of Content, eGuiders

Recent west coast transplant and production expert.

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