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The Opening of the Highline Urban Park

Docs & Non-Fiction (Cultural, Eco / Green)
[ 3:34 - from YouTube ]

Central, Madison Square, Riverside, and Prospect. All famous and wonderful parks in NYC. Well, as of June 9th, there's a new stunning public park on Manhattan's West Side. But if you walk on the street, you won't find it. It's a converted elevated railroad called the Highline in the Meatpacking District.  On June 9th, Section 1 of the Highline opened to the public. This INHABITAT video takes you to opening day at the park, letting you see the cool design elements, as well as hear from the architects, designers and founders. The original Highline was constructed in the 1930s to avoid freight trains running near Manhattan's streets.  It features "an integrated landscape, combining meandering concrete pathways with naturalistic plantings. Fixed and movable seating, lighting, and special features are also included in the park." 

Julian Camilo Pozzi

eGuider: Julian Camilo Pozzi
Playwright/Video Producer, House of Broken Windows

Julian Camilo Pozzi is producing traditional and new media projects that strive to combine compelling entertainment with pressing social concerns. He is interested in supporting and collaborating with like-minded professionals.

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