John Cage
Docs & Non-Fiction (Cultural), Music (Music Videos), Other Gems (Film Clip) 2:23In Variations V (1965), John Cage worked with Merce Cunningham on one of ... view
John Cage "4'33"
Comedy (Spoof), Music (Live) 9:23You heard about it, but never heard it because no has and no one ever ... view
John Hodgman at Radio & TV Correspondents' Dinner
Comedy (Dry, Politics), Other Gems (TV Clip) 14:04A hilarious bit of stand-up by John Hodgman at the Radio and TV ... view
John Travolta - 1983 - "Staying Alive" Intro
Other Gems (Film Clip), Viral (Time Capsule) 3:27Written by Sylvester Stallone and performed by John Travolta, 1983's ... view
Josie Long Gets All-Consuming
Docs & Non-Fiction (Eco / Green, How-To), Other Gems (Branded Entertainment) 1:50In the Green Movement, the idea of "all consuming" means exactly what is ... view
Trunk: Jumping the Gun
Drama & Genre (Action) 5:13
I have no idea what this show's about -- but one thing that ... view
Kate Gosselin denies Mady water
Other Gems (TV Clip), Viral (Shock) 1:05Why watch the whole exploitative reality-show nightmare? This little gem ... view
Kate Modern Season Two - Recap
Drama & Genre (Mystery) 2:05"KateModern" is the UK's most popular online dramatic series. ... view
Kelsey Briggs (True Story)
Viral (Homemade, Shock) 5:35Child abuse is devastating. Who can argue with that? Not the nearly 40 ... view