The tagline says it all... "If you disagree with the homosexual lifestyle, support overturning prop 8 and make them get married... like the rest of us." view

Core eGuider Brian Rothe
Director of Content, eGuiders
The tagline says it all... "If you disagree with the homosexual lifestyle, support overturning prop 8 and make them get married... like the rest of us." view
Core eGuider Brian Rothe
Director of Content, eGuiders
A dude with an invisible phone wreaks havoc in public. view
Core eGuider Marc Ostrick
Co-Founder, eGuiders
Comedy (Broad, Mockumentary, Spoof)
[ 4:49 - from Funny or Die ]
Ex-SNL cast member Michaela Watkins stars in this 60 minutes spoof looking into the life of one heck of a hand model. view
eGuider Ezra Soiferman
Award-winning Canuck documentary filmmaker, street photographer and blogger.
Animation (Stop Motion), Comedy (Broad, Mockumentary)
[ 3:20 - from Vimeo ]
How CUTE is this? A brilliant short featuring the wiggly voice of former SNL comic Jenny Slate. view
eGuider Ezra Soiferman
Award-winning Canuck documentary filmmaker, street photographer and blogger.
Comedy (Broad, Spoof), Music (Music Videos)
[ 3:15 - from Hulu ]
Michael Bolton hijacks this week's SNL Digital Short with his obsession for Jack Sparrow, Forrest Gump, Tony Montana and other film characters. A pretty brilliant sendup. view
eGuider Ezra Soiferman
Award-winning Canuck documentary filmmaker, street photographer and blogger.
Comedy (3rd Grade / Gross Out, Broad), Docs & Non-Fiction (Computers / Tech)
[ 1:53 - from YouTube ]
Here's how to get kicked out of a gaming industry networking party. Hidden cameras capture Greg Benson handing out cards that read "Stop talking" to executives and executive wannabes schmoozing it up at the party. Funny, light and pretty brilliant. view
eGuider Ezra Soiferman
Award-winning Canuck documentary filmmaker, street photographer and blogger.
Animation (3D), Other Gems (Advertisements)
[ 7:34 - from YouTube ]
Is it retail or entertainment? Sure beats the hell out of Macy's... view
Guest eGuider Ted Haimes
Documentary Filmmaker / Reality TV Showrunner