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eGuiders Holiday Favorites

Have a couple minutes to spare this holiday season? Take a break from the mall crowds, the Christmas music that has become the soundtrack to your December, and your dysfunctional family - it's time to take the edge off with a few clips that can either make you laugh or help you balance out the holiday cheer with a cynical twist on all things Santa-related. eGuiders is about to put a different kind of joy in your stocking, and we don't even need access to your chimney.

Rockin the Tree view now
Luis López

Animation Expert: Luis López
Graphic Designer / Web Designer / Animator / Blogger 

Rockin the Tree

Animation (Time-lapse), Docs & Non-Fiction (Cultural)
[2:45, from Vimeo]

There's nothing more exciting than Christmas season - family dinner on Christmas eve, kids opening presents on Christmas morning... but one of the most special times is picking a tree and decorating it with the entire family.  This is video represents one family's perfect Christmas.
