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Viral Music: The Good, Bad, and Bizarre

One of the great things about the Internet is that it provides us with a forum to share not only high quality content, but content that is so bad it's amazing. Very often, it's the terrible videos that we just can't get enough of. Here we have the Internet's most renowned artists - but remember, that doesn't necessarily mean talented...

5-Year-Old Boy Plays "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash view now
Brian Rothe

Core eGuider: Brian Rothe
Director of Content, eGuiders

5-Year-Old Boy Plays "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash

Music (Live), Viral
[2:02, from YouTube]

I can't say this kid is a great singer, and I can't say he's wise beyond his years - after all, what could he possibly know about shooting a man in "Weeno"?  But I can say that his take on Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues" is adorable - and that's one word you never thought would describe this song.  Go ahead and walk the line with the boy in black.
