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Kids Gone Viral

Viral videos are special because they all feature something that we can appreciate. And if you stop to think about viral videos, you might find that a lot of them feature children. Yes, those (mostly) innocent bundles of joy who unknowingly do something on camera to make us all say "awww". We usually like to give these videos to you in small doses... but here you're liable to OD. Watch out, though, for those reminders of how un-adorable kids can be... they'll make you laugh, but day-um!

Little Kid Parallel Parking view now
Tim Street

Core eGuider: Tim Street
Chief Creative / CEO APE Digital Inc. 

Little Kid Parallel Parking

Viral (Kids / Babies)
[0:23, from YouTube]

Sometimes we connect emotionally with viral video, not because of their spectacle but because of their innocence. As the nolvety of online video wears off I hope we don't lose gems like this.
