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Inside Sudan


Series Docs & Non-Fiction (News, Politics)
[ 7:05 - from VBS ]

VBS.TV's Vice Squad News team present a five-parter about Sudan. Two guys, a camera, great local music, some intrepid investigative journalistic skills and lots of attitude take you into a revelatory journey into the genocidal war zone where Bin Laden used to hang-out and is now an important new source of oil for China and Malaysia. Just as good, if not better, is their take on North Korea - chilling and mesmerizing.

Julian Camilo Pozzi

eGuider: Julian Camilo Pozzi
Playwright/Video Producer, House of Broken Windows

Julian Camilo Pozzi is producing traditional and new media projects that strive to combine compelling entertainment with pressing social concerns. He is interested in supporting and collaborating with like-minded professionals.

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