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There's No Recovery Here

Docs & Non-Fiction (Business & Finance, News, Politics)
[ 3:12 - from YouTube ]

With a third quarter growth of over three percent, the recession is definitively over, if technically.  With unemployment reaching 10 percent around the country, what is good for Wall Street is not necessarily flourishing hope across the country.  Andy Kroll at Mother Jones produced this video of stories that don’t make the business news.

John Wellington Ennis

eGuider: John Wellington Ennis
Filmmaker, FREE FOR ALL!

John Wellington Ennis is a documentary filmmaker looking to mix the funny with the message. His films have explored election fraud, the pharmaceutical industry, and why Rudy Giuliani has so many issues. Soon to be released is his feature comedy with the Upright Citizens Brigade, Wild Girls Gone, starring Amy Poehler in a small-town political satire. Ennis blogs on politics, documentaries, and comedy at

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