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No. 1 Ladies: Author's Diary


Series Docs & Non-Fiction (Cultural), Other Gems (TV Show Extensions)
[ 2:56 - from HBO ]

Novelists usually get short shrift once their books get optioned for TV and film. But HBO’s “No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency” is complemented with an online mini-doc series narrated by Alexander McCall Smith (the man behind the bestselling book series). In this ‘Author’s Diary,’ he sheds light on what inspired the stories brought to life in the books while revealing cultural insights into his native Botswana. A little education to go with the drama. 

Melissa Roth

eGuider: Melissa Roth
Journalist, Author, Web Producer

Melissa Roth has written story extensions and webisodes for HBO shows including Entourage, Big Love, Sex & the City and John from Cincinnati. The author of two books (On the Loose and The Left Stuff), has written for The Washington Post, Rolling Stone and Self magazine. She is currently producing two web series, Miss Beasley's Pick-Up School for Girls and Byron's Barcalounger.

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