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The Junior League of Superheroes

Episode 1

Series Comedy (Broad)
[ 7:41 - from YouTube ]
Adult Language Violence

A new show out of LA that's got its heart in the right place - and nice production values too. It's a slow burner so watch a few episodes. Or don't. Whatever. Jesus, you're so argumentative. 

Hayden Black

eGuider: Hayden Black
Writer, Producer, Actor 

Hayden Black is the prolific writer/producer/star of a number of huge online hits - including Goodnight Burbank and its spin off "The Goodnight Burbank: Hollywood Report"; the groundbreaking "Abigail's Teen Diary"; and the comedy/horror series "The Occulterers", all produced via his successful new media production company Evil Global Corp. He's racked up multiple awards and nominations (iTunes Best Podcasts '06 & '07, Best Comedy Webby '08), and stellar reviews in the mainstream press ("A web sensation" - The LA Times, "Black runs circles around the competition" - Wall Street Journal). Coming soon is the sci-fi comedy musical "The Cabonauts" co-starring Star Trek's Nichelle Nichols and a host of other iconic sci-fi names from TV and Movies.  Follow @HaydenBlack on Twitter.

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